inline kanji discriptor japanese dictionary
/r hi/m book/say - five - mouth/
then click search.
/m sun/sun - wing - yo/r hi/
/k kinyoubi/
/k 食beru/
hint: it is ok to copy and paste.
hint: r is for reads as.
hint: m is for means as.
hint: k is for kana.
===kanjismith's wakanman===
is may be:
=JLL: a japanese look up language=
and is intended for making
reading japanese newspapers
and other printed materials
to be easier hopefully.
=example= to look up:
you type:
/line - sun/lidcover - child/sideperson - tree/
/r kyuu / lidcover -child/r tai/
/line - sun / r ji//
/m old / m character/m body/
or now
suppose of in natsume's kokoro
were you read and in a line of
of such a like I need to look
but oh IME is not installed
what a mess. just in box write
/k 強ite/
and may or might you answered with
強いて [しいて] /(adv) by force/(P)/
/ blah blah blah.... /
is called a term for tocatch
often one kanji. but there is
special cases where it can catch
nothing or more or used as filter
eg. .../m xxx/ zzzz - dddd / r ooo/...
you can combine or intermix multiple
terms with different fiffenitions to
to suit the word you intend catching
and there is about 10 types of terms
as followes.
*1* parts term:
/ part1 - part2 - part3 ...[0-9]/
describe kanji by its constituting parts.
you don't have to name all parts.
any distingushing subset
to identify the kanji is enouph.
you can use nubers to lock the
exceding unmetioned numbers
as it would be clarified by examples.
every parts should be separated by hyphen.
if not sure of certain part name,
type as many word in one hyphen delimted
part name separated by space.
ex: to look up 旧
/line - sun/
ex: to look up 字
/lidcover - child/
ex: to look up kanji of one part only as 日
/sun - 0/
ex: to look up of unkown
part and known part as 旧
/sun - 1/
***parts catalog referencing:
c [search term]
view catalog of all parts with names of each
if more than name found beside
any part you can use any
parts is ordered by stroke count
ex: to view all parts
ex: to view stroke count 3 parts
c s3
ex: to view parts which has sun
c sun
*2* meaning term:
/m meaning/
catch the kanji that may means like meaning
ex: to look up 旧
/m old/
ex: to look up 字
/m character/
*3* reading term:
/r reading/
catch the kanji that may read as reading
ex: to look up 旧
/r kyuu/
ex: to look up 字
/r ji/
*4* okuri/kana term:
/k okurigana/
/k kana/
/k romaji/
to catch okurigana of previous kanji terms
or to search whole kana entries
in the dictionary
ex: to look up 食べる
/m eat/k beru/
/m eat/k べる/
/m eat/k べru/
to look for カール
/k ka-ru/
/k カール/
to look for あっと
/k atto/
/k あっと/
*5* one character term:
// *empty term
to put place holder for only
and one character for one character
that you can not describe
ex: to look 金曜日
but suppose you do not know the middle kanji
/m gold//r hi/
*6* zero or infinite term:
place holder for zero or any number of characters
ex: to look up all words starting with 日
*0 to lock the components to only sun
ex: to look up all words ending with 日
ex: to look all word starting and ending with 日
*/1/ one is back referance to the first term
to save retyping specialy when
it is a big deal of typing
*7* back refferance term:
back referance to previous
term as in previous example
*8* include kanji by mean or read + parts:
/i m readind | r eading - part1 - part2 ...../
includes kanji definition and part name
ex to look up 籠
/i m dragon - bamboo/
/i r ryuu - bamboo/
to look 露
/i m road - rain/
to look 洗
/i m before - splash/
to look 洗う
/i m before - splash/k u/
*9* filter term:
/term 1/f/term 2/
term1 filtered by definition of term2
kanji reads as sen and means wash i.e 洗
r sen/f/m wash
advanced:to search kanji means read
and is two columns ie skipp 2
m read/f/m P1 ---ie 訓
*10* or filter term:
/term 1 /o/term 2/
to search term1 or filtered by term2
ie to combine all results by two terms
*** kanji data query:
j /any from above /...
give the information of
kanji instead of dictionary
to look kanjidict of 食
j /m eat/
*** analyze kanji to its parts:
z kanji literal
to know the part names of certain kanji
parts of 喫
z 喫
output would be
--喫 (口|大|土|刀|亠|二)
口 S3 mouth
大 S3 big
土 S3 earth soil
刀 S2 knife sword
二 S2 two
亠 S2 lid
*** definition search:
d keyword